Sunday, 14 August 2011

NET SEND alternatives in windows 7/Vista

Microsoft appear to have dropped the “net send” command in Windows 7/vista.You can use one of the following alternatives

1) msg.exe
You can see the following options how to use msg
2) sent Utility
Sent is a small console utility intended for sending net send messages over local areanetworks using command line. The utility can be used as a ‘net send’ command replacement on versions of Windows, that do not support this command (7, Vista, 98, 95) or just as an improved ‘net send’ command with additional features.
Main features are:
* sending personal messages using computer’s network name, user’s login, nickname
* sending broadcast messages using workgroup or domain name
* sending a message at once to several recipients
* batch mode of operation with ability to load messages and recipients from a text file.
* timeout settings
For message transmission the Sent uses full implementation of the protocol, that is used for message exchange  by software products like Microsoft WinPopup, Windows Messenger Service (net send), etc. Therefore the Sent is fully compatible with them.
Download sent utility from here
You can check how to use sent from here

Install Linux (CentOS 6)

Insert Install media and restart Computer. After booting, following screen is shown, then Push Enter key.
[2]This is the section to check a media, Skip it if you don't need it.
[3]Click "Next" button to proceed.
[4]Select the language you'd like to use during the installation.
[5]Select the keyboard type you using.
[6]Select the type of storage. If you install CentOS 6 to local HD, select 'Basic Storage Devices'. If you install to HD that is connected in storage network area or mainframe, select the bottom.
[7]If your HD is new one and not formatted, following warning is shown, Click "Re-initialize all" if it's OK.
[8]Set a Hostname of your computer.
[9]Set your timezone.
[10]Set root user's password.
[11]Select installation type as follows. On this example, select "Use All Space" and check a box "Review and modify partitioning layout" to configure partitions manually.
[12]This is the section for changing partition layouts. This example shows to configure LVM partition layouts (Set /boot, /. swap, /home on here) . First, select "/" and Click "Edit" button.
[13]Reduce the volume size for "/" to make free areas.
[14]Click "Create" button, then following screen is shown, Select "LVM Logical Volume" and Click "Create".
[15]Input mount point, logical volume's name, size and so on.
[16]Click "Next" button if it's OK all.
[17]Click 'Format' if it's OK all.
[18]Click 'Write Changes to Disk' if it's OK all.
[19]Click 'Next' button with keeping default. If you set some parameters for bootloader, Configure it.
[20]Select softwares to install. Select 'Minimal' and go next. It's unnecessarry to install many packages at first. But if you are beginer on Linux system, check a box 'Customize now' and Install additional packages because it's inconvenience if only 'Minimal' is installed.
[21]If you selected "Customize now" at previous section, following screen is shown. It's better to check a box "Base" if you are beginer.
[22]Installation starts.
[23]Installation completed. Click "Reboot" button.

Turn your PC or Laptop into a Wireless router

Turn your PC or Laptop into a Wireless hotspot with Virtual Router. Virtual Router is a free opensource software that lets you convert your Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 server into a Virtual wireless router or a hotspot by using the built-in Virtual Wifi and Wireless Hosted Network features of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

All it needs is the Wireless devicedriver is certified for Windows 7. If you are unsure, click here to see a list of supported devices and their driver versions.
Virtual Router can be downloaded here and follow the wizard to complete the installation. Once installed, if you Virtual Router fails to start, it might need a reboot ( as it did to me).
when you start the Virtual Router, set the SSID, enter a password and choose the connection that you would like to share. That is the configuration you need to do and when you have entered the above, click start Virtual Router. Now, configure your device like Laptops, smartphones, Iphones to connect to the wireless hotspot you just created as normal.
It helped a great deal to me when I got stuck in a hotel with a single LAN connection. A very good utility thats yet again opensource
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