Monday, 17 October 2011

How To Check If Computer Is Running A 32 Bit or 64 Bit Operating System.

You can use the following registry location to check if computer is running 32 or 64 bit of Windows Operating System:


You will see the following registry entries in the right pane:

Identifier         REG_SZ                     x86 Family 6 Model 14 Stepping 12
Platform ID    REG_DWORD          0x00000020(32)

The above “x86” and “0x00000020(32)” indicate that the Operating System version is 32 bit.

You can also a simple batch file to check the setting on remote computer:

*** Start ***

@echo off

Set RegQry=HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0

REG.exe Query %RegQry% > checkOS.txt

Find /i "x86" < CheckOS.txt > StringCheck.txt

If %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
    Echo "This is 32 Bit Operating system"
) ELSE (
    Echo "This is 64 Bit Operating System"

*** End ***

You can use PSEXEC (a tool from Sysinternals) to run this script remotely redirect the output in a Text file.

To query registry entry on a remote computer you can use the following statement with Reg.exe:

Reg.exe Query \\computer_name\%Reg_Qry% > checkOS.txt

Please note that you can use the below registry entry to identify the processor architecture:

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentCongtrolSet\Control\Session Manager\Envirornment.

You can see the below registry entry in the right pane of the registry editor:


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